Terms & Conditions

Last updated on 26 September 2024

Smart Traveller Programme (Powered by Arrture) Terms & Conditions 


IMPORTANT: Smart Traveller Programme is a Premium Airport Services rewards programme that enables members to earn, redeem, convert Points during their air travel across global airport eco-system. The Smart Traveller Programme is managed by, owned by, and provided to members by Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited (“PPL), and is operated using the Arrture Global Loyalty Programme Platform (“Arrture”), owned by Arrture Group Limited (“AGL”).

The following provisions form the basis of the Smart Traveller Rewards Loyalty Programme - Powered by Arrture (as defined under Clause 1 below, hereinafter referred to as “Smart Traveller Programme”). These Terms and Conditions are intended to protect PPL, AGL, its affiliates, Partners (as defined under Clause 1 below) and the Members (as defined under Clause 1 below) of the Smart Traveller Programme, and to govern the relationship between PPL, AGL, its affiliates, Partners and the Members; and the Members’ participation in the Smart Traveller Programme. It is the Members’ responsibility to read and understand these Terms and Conditions. For the purpose of clarity, PPL and AGL shall be collectively termed as “The Parties”.

Our programme is structured in a way based heavily on global partnerships in order to deliver benefits, redemption items and privileges to you, our Member. Given the nature of Smart Traveller Programme and Arrture, information sharing between The Parties, and with our Partners is required from time to time in order to deliver our services effectively. For example, in the process of service fulfilment or in the arrangement of certain Member events, your personal information will be shared with our Partners, on a case by case basis and as approved by the Member based on your participation and preferences in the Smart Traveller Programme. However, please rest assured that The Parties will never sell databases and The Parties will always share personal data only when necessary, for the purpose of discharging our obligations under the Smart Traveller Programme and Arrture, and with great care. By applying to join the Smart Traveller Programme, you, at all times, voluntarily consent to our use and sharing of your personal data with Partners on matters directly relating to the proper running of the Smart Traveller Programme. For all marketing related communication, you are always able to choose or change your opt-in or opt-out settings via the Smart Traveller App or Smart Traveller Website. At any time, you may also always opt out of such sharing and communication by not joining the Smart Traveller Programme, or by terminating your membership by withdrawing your authorisation as referred to in Section 6 in the associated Privacy Policy of the Smart Traveller Programme. For any marketing communication with you, we will seek your separate authorisation, which you are able to change when you change your mind.


1.1. In these Terms and Conditions, words denoting one gender only shall include the other gender and the neuter and vice versa, and words denoting the singular number only shall include the plural number and vice versa.

1.2. In these Terms and Conditions, the headings and captions used herein are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect its interpretation.

“Account” means the Member’s own membership account with the Smart Traveller Programme.

“Account Activation” means the activation of verifying a Member’s compulsory contact details prior to creation of a new Membership ID and/or the Smart Traveller App.

“Account Status” means the five different levels of membership status assigned to a relevant Member’s Account as set out in Clause 4 below.

“AGL” means Arrture Group Limited.

“Arrture” means the Arrture Global Loyalty Programme Platform owned and operated by AGL.

“Customer Care Team” means the management personnel and designated call-centre representatives who can access Members’ profile.

“Guest Service Officer” means the designated personnel who can sign up new Member at any Participating PPL service locations.

“PPL” means Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited.

“Smart Traveller App” means the Smart Traveller mobile application service available for use by Members of Smart Traveller Programme.

“Smart Traveller Website” means [ https://www.mysmarttraveller.com/en-gb/home] and any other domain as may be adopted by PPL from time to time.

“Smart Traveller Programme” means the rewards loyalty programme managed and operated by PPL (also referred to as “we”, “us”, “our”).

“Initial Registration Date” means the date of download of Smart Traveller App and the completion of the required registration processes.

“Link My Card” means the option and/or process of linking or saving card(s) information with the Account.

”Marketplace” means the part on the Smart Traveller App and Smart Traveller Website where a Member can use accumulated Point(s) to make reward redemption.

“Member” means an eligible person who has consented to registration, has registered and has been accepted for registration of membership with the Smart Traveller Programme of any system status (also referred to as “you”, “your”, ”his”, “her”).

“Membership” means the right to access, enquire, request to modify Member’s Account and the rights to manage and perform account activities related to accrual and redemption of Points according to the Member’s Account Status through the use of the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website or the assistance from the Customer Care Team.

“Membership Card” means the membership card (which may be virtual or otherwise as issued from time to time by Smart Traveller Programme) linked to a Member’s Membership ID Number for accumulating, redeeming and converting points issued to the Member in the form of an email once the Member has completed the Account Activation (as set out in Clause 3.6) process.

“Membership ID Number” means the 10-digit number used to uniquely identify the Member. Member may use this number to log into the Smart Traveller Programme, access his Account, and make Account enquiries with the Smart Traveller Programme Customer Care Team. The valid Membership ID Number is required for conducting all Point earning, redemption and conversion activities within the Smart Traveller Programme.

“Partner” means a business whom either PPL or AGL has made arrangements for Members to accrue, redeem and/or convert Points, by using and/or purchasing goods and/or services of such business; and/or purchasing the goods from such business Partners; by converting Points to Partner’s Points; and/or converting Partner’s Points to Points; and the relevant information of each Partner will vary from time to time, details of which are available from the Smart Traveller App or from Arrture.

“Partner Loyalty Programme” means the rewards loyalty programme managed and operated by a Partner.

“Partner’s Points” means the rewards points issued by a Partner under the Partner Loyalty Programme.

“PPL Outlets” means lounges and service touchpoints operated by PPL. PPL Outlets and the relevant information of each PPL Outlet will vary from time to time, details of which are available on Smart Traveller App and Smart Traveller Website.

“Point” or “Points” means the unit of measurement for the Smart Traveller Programme, with such Point being awarded to Members in connection to Qualifying Visit transactions and/or purchase of designated goods or services offered by designated PPL Outlets and/or its affiliates.

“Point Adjustment Request” means a request made by a Member through specific formal application submitted to PPL pursuant to Clause 8.5 for the restoration of missing Point(s).

“Points Conversion Programme” means the point-to-point conversion programme under the Smart Traveller Programme which enables Members to convert Points to Partner’s Points and/or convert Partner’s Points to Points.

“Points Conversion Request” means a request made by a Member to convert Points to Partner’s Points and/or convert Partner’s Points to Points under a Points Conversion Programme.

“Qualifying Visit” means a valid qualifying visit or transaction at PPL Outlets, including both cash and non-cash transactions, with the exception of any visits using complimentary vouchers redeemed by Points.

“Service Hotline” means the telephone number and/or email address as provided on the Smart Traveller Programme for Members to make enquiries.


“Voluntary Termination” means the termination of a Smart Traveller Programme Account by the Member on his own motion in accordance with Clause 4.11.

General Conditions

2.1. The Smart Traveller Programme allows you to earn Points through: (1) Qualifying Visit; (2) using qualifying services operated and/or approved by us and/or our Partners; (3) making qualifying purchases at retail and service companies operated and/or approved by us and/or our Partners and through other promotions and offers; or (4) making conversion of Partner’s Points to Points in connection to applicable Points Conversion Programme operated and/or approved by us.

Points may be earned through qualifying transactions as follows:

(1) at PPL Outlets and our Partners’ physical locations;

(2) via the designated websites and

(3) via the use of Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website. Subject to availability and applicable points tariff(s).

You may redeem or convert the Points earned for (1) goods or services available for redemption published on the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website or other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme or AGL; (2) discounts or other promotion offers offered by PPL and/or Partners; (3) Partner’s Points available for redemption or conversion published on the Smart Traveller App or other means authorised by us or AGL. You may redeem your Points via the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website or at designated locations of our Partners or PPL Outlets, subject always to applicable redemption terms and conditions of PPL Outlets or the corresponding Partners. PPL or AGL reserves all rights to make final decision in relation to earning, redeeming and converting Points.

2.2. Membership and benefits in the Smart Traveller Programme are offered and provided at our sole and absolute discretion. We have the right to terminate the Smart Traveller Programme or to change the terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policies and procedures, benefits, conditions of participation or points levels, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice, even though changes may affect the value of the Points already accumulated by you.

2.3. You understand that these Terms and Conditions include limitations and exclusions on liabilities of PPL, AGL, its affiliates and Partners. You further accept and agree that we shall have the sole discretion to amend these Terms and Conditions upon reasonable notice where it is possible and/or practical to give such notice. Any revised version of such Terms and Conditions shall be effective as of the date of publication Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website or related websites. You have the full responsibility to keep yourself updated on any changes to these Terms and Conditions and the associated Privacy Policy(s) of the Smart Traveller Programme.

2.4. If at any time you no longer wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and/or the associated Privacy Policy of the Smart Traveller Programme, you should immediately terminate your Membership in writing and send to us attention to “Chief Officer – Smart Traveller Programme, Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited, 8/F, Commercial Building, Airport Freight Forwarding Centre, 2 Chun Wan Road, Lantau, Hong Kong ” or request to delete your Account and all associated data on the Smart Traveller App.

2.5. You are required to include the full name, applicable identity information, contact number, email address and Membership ID Number in all correspondence with us.

Enrolment & Eligibility

3.1. The Smart Traveller Programme is open to living persons aged 18 or above only.

3.2. Membership is not available to corporations or other legal entities.

3.3. Registration for Membership is free of charge to eligible Members.

3.4. You may register for Membership ONLY BY the following methods:

a) Smart Traveller App: You can download the Smart Traveler App from Android’s Google Play Store, or Apple’s iPhone App Store, and registering to be a Member by running the Smart Traveller App.

b) Smart Traveller Website: You can sign up for an account on the Smart Traveller Website.

c) EXISTING Arrture member: Since the Smart Traveller Programme is powered by Arrture and is part of the Arrture Eco-System that uses the same Point eco-system and login credentials as in Arrture, all members of Arrture are by default also already members of Smart Traveller Programme, and vice versa. Hence all Arrture members can access the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website using their existing Membership ID Number and login passwords. All usage of the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website are governed by this Terms and Conditions.

d) Any other methods notified by us from time to time.

3.5. An email with an activation link will be sent to you normally on the same time as your Initial Registration Date, so as for you to activate your account.

3.6. Account Activation should be completed immediately upon receipt of the notice. Account Activation must be completed within thirty days upon receipt of the activation link or you may need to register for another new account and risk losing any points that may have been accumulated in your previous registration that was not activated.

3.7. A virtual Membership Card with a Membership ID Number for accumulating, redeeming and converting Points will be issued to you in the form of a virtual card in your Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website as soon as you have completed the Account Activation process.

3.8. You will be able to use the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website in accordance with its Terms of Use upon completion of the Account Activation process.

3.9. As a protection of your privacy and Membership privileges and to avoid the risk of fraudulent usage of newly registered Membership, all Points accumulated after the Initial Registration Date will be automatically reset to zero if you have not performed the Account Activation procedures within three (3) calendar months upon receipt of the activation link in accordance with Clause 3.6. The system status of such Membership Account will be set to “Suspended Member” at the end of the three-month period, in which case the Points may still be accumulated under the Membership Account, but Points held under such Membership Account may not be redeemed. Points may only be redeemed after you have performed all Account Activation procedures for the same account and the system status of the Membership Account is of a Valid Member.

3.10. We shall not be liable for any loss of Points due to loss of emails or messages in the notification of Account Activation process to you due to incorrect information, including but not limited to, name, contact numbers, and/or email address, provided by you during the process of self-registration. You accept the sole responsibility of providing true and correct information to us.

3.11. By applying to join the Smart Traveller Programme and/or the use of Membership ID Number or Membership Card and associated benefits, you confirm your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions that may be revised from time to time by us.

3.12. Membership is approved at our sole and absolute discretion. We have every right to refuse granting Membership to any applicant.

Member’s Account

4.1. Membership will be classified in five different statuses as follows:

a) “Valid Member” means a Member with full login, Points earning, Points redemption, Points conversion and manual Points adjustment privileges.

b) “Incomplete Member” means a Member who has not verified or validated his/her email address. For the avoidance of doubt, the Points will not be issued to an Incomplete Member until such Member completes the verification or validation of his/her email address.

c) “Suspended Member” means a Member who has all or part of his Membership suspended by us either due to any of the following circumstances:

(i) failure in satisfying enrolment requirements;

(ii) manual termination as a result of account inactivity; or

(iii) suspension as a preventive measure against any unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal usage of account upon any suspicion or belief by us.

4.2. The sale or barter or attempted sale or barter of any Points or benefits or Membership by you other than as authorised and/or sponsored by us is expressly prohibited. Any Points or benefits or Membership transferred, assigned or sold in violation of these Terms and Conditions, shall be revoked or voided and shall expose you to penalties otherwise associated with such violations.

4.3. You shall register only one account. If you have registered more than one Membership ID, all of your accounts may be suspended, and Points accumulated may be revoked or consolidated at our sole and absolute discretion. We may request you to submit transaction evidence to our satisfaction within a reasonable period of time. In cases of account consolidation, only the applicable Points credited, excluding any enrolment bonus or other promotional bonus, will be transferred to any remaining Account.

4.4. You may use your Membership ID Number and password to access your Account via the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website. Installation and use of the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website is subject to this Terms and Conditions.

4.5. You may choose your own set of password and two security questions at the time of Account Activation. Password must:

   be at least 8 to a maximum of 15 characters long;
   contain a minimum of 1 upper case character;
   contain a minimum of 1 lower case character;
   contain a minimum of 1 numeric character;
   not contain your login ID; and
   not contain your last name.

4.6. You hold the sole responsibility of safeguarding your own login and password information of your Account and such should not be disclosed to any third parties. The Customer Care Team or our representatives, our affiliates and our Partners will not ask you for your password under any circumstances.

4.7. If you are a Valid Member, your Account activities will be summarised on the last day of each calendar month. The Smart Traveller Programme automatically generates and sends an email reminder to you once a month for you to log in to your Account to view the monthly statement. You may log in to your Account to view your Account activities or to download your own monthly statement of the Points balances. Account summary is also accessible via the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website.

4.8. You hereby grant The Parties the right to monitor your Account activity. We have the right to take any necessary legal action based on fraud, abuse or suspicious activity in connection with your Account or any of such activities relating to the Smart Traveller Programme. You hereby agree to cooperate with any such action or investigation. If you are involved in such activity, you may be liable for monetary losses, including litigation costs and damages. This clause shall survive termination of your Membership.

4.9. We may immediately terminate your Membership and your privilege to use your Membership Card if, in our opinion, you had committed misconduct or fraud, misuse the Smart Traveller Programme benefits and awards, or fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions. In any such circumstances, we shall simultaneously cancel all Points in your Account.

4.10. We reserve the right to audit Members’ Accounts at any time to ensure compliance with these Terms and Conditions, without notice to you. During the course of an audit or investigation, your Account information may be disclosed to third parties with whom we have contracted to assist in performing such audit or investigation. In the event that an audit reveals discrepancies or possible violations, we may delay the processing of Points redemption requests or conversion of Points to Partner’s Points, cancel any outstanding Points redemption or conversion of Points to Partner’s Points, withhold statements or suspend your Membership and/or your Account pending completion of the audit. While your Account is suspended, you may continue to accrue Points in the Account or convert Partner's Points to Points, but no Point redemptions, conversion of Points to Partner’s Points or other transactions will be permitted and any outstanding Points redemption will be cancelled. Upon completion of the audit, if a discrepancy or violation has been determined by us, in addition to any other remedies described herein, Points may be removed from your Account to remedy such discrepancy or violation with or without notice to you.

4.11. You may terminate your Membership at any time by giving written notice to us attention to “Chief Officer – Smart Traveller Programme, Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited, 8/F, Commercial Building, Airport Freight Forwarding Centre, 2 Chun Wan Road, Lantau, Hong Kong” at which time any outstanding Points will be cancelled. You shall have no rights to claim against us and/or our Partners any value (implied or otherwise) of the outstanding Points in case of such Voluntary Termination.

4.12. Immediately upon the death of a Member, such Member’s Membership will automatically be terminated and Account will automatically be closed and all outstanding Points will automatically be cancelled. All personal data, Points, and activity records in all forms of the deceased Member shall be handled according to the associated Privacy Policy of the Parties.

4.13. Immediately upon the death of a Member or the termination of a Member’s Membership and closure of his Account, no access to such Account and/or the data therein will become available to any former Members once the Account has been closed.

Earning Points

5.1 You must use your own Account to earn Points, and your Account is non-transferrable and non-assignable.

5.2 You may earn Points in various ways, including but not limited to:

a) By presenting your Membership Card or quoting your Membership ID Number each time you make Qualifying Visit transactions at PPL Outlets;

b) By presenting your Membership Card or quoting your Membership ID Number each time you purchase applicable services or goods offered by approved online or offline outlets of our qualifying Partners;

5.3 Points are valid for at least a minimum of twelve (12) months from the month the Points are credited. All Points in any Account which has not recorded any valid activity for a period of twelve (12) months shall be considered to be inactive, and all the remaining Points in these Accounts may expire after this twelve (12) months of inactivity. You shall have no rights to claim against us and/or our Partners for any implied value of the outstanding Points. For the avoidance of doubt, an Account is considered to have a valid activity if the Member has either used the Account for some qualifying Point earning activities, or the Member has used the Points in the Member’s Account to successfully redeem for some products or services from the Marketplace. Upon any successful qualifying valid activity in the Account before the Points are expired, ALL subsequent remaining Points in the Account (including previous Points as well as newly earned Points) shall have its expiry date further extended for not less than twelve (12) months from the date of the most recent point earn (point accrual) date. All expiry dates shall refer to the midnight (12:00AM) of the stipulated date based on the Hong Kong time zone (UTC +8).

5.4 Without prejudice to our right to terminate your Membership, we have the discretion to cancel any erroneous or fraudulent Points credited, including where there is a service dispute or where you return any purchased items or cancelled any purchased services previously transacted with us or our Partners.

5.5 We may, at any time, vary the methods or procedures for the accrual of Points.

Redeeming Points

6.1 Provided that you are a Valid Member, you may redeem your Points by following appropriate procedures via the relevant functions of the Smart Traveller App and/or the Smart Traveller Website, or other available means from time to time approved by us.

6.2 Instant redemption with Membership Card or Membership ID Number may be available at specific qualifying locations (a list of such locations is published or made available from the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website whenever applicable), subject to the availability of goods or service at the time of redemption.

6.3 Redemption of Points for goods and/or services offered by The Parties, affiliates and/or our Partners may be subject to limitations applicable to each redeemable good/service. Such limitations will be informed to Members at the time of the instant redemption or stipulated on the relevant function of our online platform. Redemption may also be subject to additional terms and conditions of the relevant Partners which will be available upon redemption.

6.4 For the avoidance of doubt, while The Parties provides certain online platforms to facilitate Members to redeem Points for goods and/or services directly from PPL and/or our Partners and/or purchase goods/services directly from our Partners, the Smart Traveller Programme is not a marketplace for any sales or exchange activity for goods and/or services redeemed. In the event that you redeem Points for goods and/or services with PPL and/or our Partners, such redemption will be subject to any relevant terms and conditions of the relevant Partners and/or PPL, and you are advised to contact the relevant parties directly for any questions or complaints regarding the redemption items. The Smart Traveller Programme will not be responsible for the quality or fitness for purposes of such goods or services redeemed in any way whatsoever.

6.5 Warranties provided by our Partners (if any) do not bind us. We accept no liability for defects in the quality or condition of goods and services provided by our Partners and make no claims or warranties as to the delivery of such goods or services to the extent permitted by law. We are not responsible or liable in any way for any warranty provided by our Partners. You are advised to contact the Partner(s) concerned directly should there be any query or dispute concerning the goods warranty and maintenance.

6.6 Under no circumstances shall the Parties be liable for any loss arising from the failure by our Partners to provide redeemed goods or services.

6.7 The age of a Point will be measured from the date of which the Point is credited to your Account. Points are redeemed on a first-in, first-out basis.

6.8 If your Membership is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, all outstanding Points shall be cancelled before they expire. Expired or cancelled Points cannot be used for redemption.

6.9 All Points redemption transactions are non-refundable and non-reversible, subject to our sole and absolute discretion.

6.10 Usage of the redemption Marketplace in the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any failure in communication between you and us, our affiliates or our Partners, which is beyond our reasonable control. We shall not be liable for loss of personal data or loss of Points due to theft, robbery, vandalism, arson and/or your failure to take reasonable security and/or safeguarding measures.

6.11 Points are not your property. Points have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash. Points are issued at our sole and absolute discretion. Points cannot be assigned, transferred or pledged to any third parties. Points cannot be transferred by operation of law or by inheritance. For avoidance of doubt, Points are for the benefit of Valid Members only and any accrued Points shall immediately be cancelled upon termination of membership.

Conversion of Points

7.1 Conversion of Points are only applicable if you are a Valid Member, and subject to the terms under this Clause 7, which shall consist of the following:

(1) Convert your Points to Partner’s Points

For conversion of Points to the Partner’s Points, the amount of Points you have converted to the Partner’s Points will be deducted from your Account by us.

(2) Convert your Partner’s Points to Points

Upon successful conversion of the Partner’s Points to Points, the converted Points will be stored in your Account.

7.2 The conversion of Points above in Clause 7.1 is based on a designated conversion ratio of each Partner Loyalty Programme and for all conversion of Points above, you must submit a Points Conversion Request in the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website or other available means from time to time approved and notified by us. The designated conversion ratio of each Partner Loyalty Programme is subject to change at any time without notice to you.

7.3 Your Account can only be linked to one (1) account of each Partner Loyalty Programme.

7.4 A Points Conversion Request shall be subject to the following:

a) a minimum of number of points required for each conversion request; and

b) a daily maximum of number of points conversions for each Partner Loyalty Programme.

7.5 All Points converted pursuant to a Points Conversion Requests are non-refundable and non-reversible, subject to our sole and absolute discretion.

7.6 You agree that the Points Conversion Request is made at your own risk, subject to any additional terms, conditions and restrictions imposed by a Partner Loyalty Programme or us or AGL. For complete terms and conditions relating to a Partner Loyalty Programme, please refer to each participating Partner Loyalty Programme’s website and/or terms and conditions for additional details. You are advised to read and understand the said terms and conditions prior to participating in this Points Conversion Programme or submitting any Points Conversion Request.

7.7 We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to prevent or cancel transactions where there has been any fraudulent activity or system error connected with any Points and/or Points Conversion Request in relation to any Account.

7.8 No representation or warranty is given by us in relation to the Partner’s Points converted under this Points Conversion Programme. All dispute(s) concerning the Partner’s Points converted must be resolved directly between you and the relevant Partner under the Partner Loyalty Programme and/or the operator of the loyalty programmes.

7.9 Subject to the terms and conditions herein including Clause 13 on Disclaimers, in the event of any dispute concerning any Points that have been converted in any Account pursuant to Clause 7.2, our decision shall be final and binding.

Missing Points

8.1 In general, we make every reasonable effort to ensure Points are credited into Member's Account within six (6) weeks from the date of transaction. Points will be accrued (either credited or debited) to your Account when we receive and verify information about a Qualifying Visit transaction or a transaction eligible for earning Points with our Partners for the Smart Traveller Programme. Depending on the nature of the transaction, we may receive such information up to sixty (60) days from the date of the transaction. We are not responsible for any failure or delay of a Partner to provide us with the necessary information to accrue Points to you.

8.2 We have the absolute discretion to hold Points to be credited on pending status until evidence of valid transactions is provided to our satisfaction by you or the Partner concerned. You cannot redeem the Points yet to be credited or if these Points are found to be on pending status.

8.3 If you cannot find the corresponding Points credited in your Account after a period of six (6) weeks, you may claim your Points according to the Point Adjustment Request procedures.

8.4 Requests for missing Points under the Point Adjustment Request will be processed only if the Membership Card or Membership ID Number was properly presented or quoted at the time of each transaction in accordance with Clause 5.2.

8.5 Point Adjustment Request can be made by contacting the Customer Care Team by telephone, by email or by any other available means. Service Hotline contact information is published by the Smart Traveller Programme. To avoid delays in processing Point Adjustment Request, you must include full name, Membership ID Number, contact information, proofs of transaction and any other supporting documents for which you may find relevant in supporting your claims or as we may request. All documents submitted by you will be retained for our record purposes. You are required to keep copies for your own reference. Illegible copies will prolong or may prevent the processing of Point Adjustment Request.

8.6 For the purpose of Clause 8, only transaction receipts issued within the last six months will be accepted. You will be notified of results of your own Point Adjustment Request by email or by any other available means. We reserve all rights in decision on the final Points adjustment.


9.1 Partner information is available in the redemption Marketplace in your Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website. We shall endeavour to update the list and keep them as current as possible. However, such information may not necessarily always be immediately available. We do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the list and shall not be held liable for any omissions, errors on our Partners’ information, errors on promotion and/or offers provided by our Partners.

Data Privacy

10.1 We shall handle all your personal data, Points, and activity records in all forms according and in compliance to the associated Privacy Policy of The Parties.

Intellectual Property Rights

11.1 "Smart Traveller" is the trademark owned by PPL. We (or our suppliers or third parties who have been granted the permission to reproduce their material in the Smart Traveller App) are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website and other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme, and in all other materials published on it. Those works are protected.

11.2 You may print, copy and download extracts, of any page(s) from the Smart Traveller App and/or Smart Traveller Website for your own personal reference.

11.3 You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed, downloaded, or captured in any way from the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website and/or other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme, and you must not use any images, illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.

11.4 Unless otherwise specified, our status (and any identified contributors) as the authors of material on the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website and/or other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme must always be acknowledged.

11.5 You must not use any part of the materials on the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website and/or other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do so (including your payment for any relevant licence fee) from us or our licensors.

11.6 If you print, copy or download any part of the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website and/or other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme in breach of these Terms and Conditions, your right to use the Smart Traveller App, Smart Traveller Website and/or other means authorised by us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

Link My Card

12.1 You can link your card(s) using the ‘Link My Card’ feature in the Smart Traveller App. Please click here to view the list of eligible cards that can be linked.

12.2 You  can (a) view your total number of available accesses and the locations of PPL Outlets where these accesses can be used with your card(s) (if eligible), and (b) *streamline the admission process by generating a QR code via the ‘Link My Card’ feature in the Smart Traveller App and present it to the staff at the PPL Outlets you visit. QR code access is only available at selected PPL Outlets. Please click here to view the list of these PPL Outlets. For avoidance of doubt, PPL Outlets access eligibility is subject to the respective bank’s terms and conditions.

12.3 You need to present the physical card or such other acceptable means for your first access; thereafter, no such requirement is necessary. However, you are still encouraged to show the physical card if you prefer.

12.4 Entrance is at the sole discretion of the PPL Outlets and is therefore not guaranteed. 

12.5 You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the card information provided/saved. 

12.6 You assume the risk for any losses resulting from the misuse of the ‘Link My Card’ feature or the QR code, and we disclaim any liability associated with such misuse or mishandling.

12.7 You have the option to unlink your card(s) at any time. 

12.8 The card(s) displayed are only for illustration purposes.

12.9 We reserve the right to amend the list of card(s) eligible & locations for ‘Link My Card’ without prior notice.


13.1 The Parties and our Partners make no guarantees, warranties or representations of any kind, either express or implied, concerning the Smart Traveller Programme, Points, or goods or services advertised, promoted, offered, sold or available. All Points are void if they are declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable. These Terms and Conditions are subject to immediate change if necessary for the compliance of such laws or regulations. You hereby agree to release and hold harmless The Parties and our Partners from all liability regarding the earning, redemption and conversion of Points or your participation in the Smart Traveller Programme.

13.2 You agree that the redemption of goods or services with any of our Partners are purely with the relevant Partner(s), and are made at your own risk, subject to any additional terms, conditions and restrictions imposed by our Partner(s). We hold no responsibility for the delivery, standard, quality, safety, use, suitability or any other aspect of any goods or services ordered, purchased or redeemed, or the acts or default of our Partners, except where required by law.

13.3 Our Partners’ locations may change at any time without notice to you. We may terminate or suspend our relationship with any of our Partners without prior notice to you. There may be inadvertent delays in updating current Partners on marketing materials, Smart Traveller App and Smart Traveller Website. Partners that are no longer participating in the Smart Traveller Programme may, as a result, still appear on such marketing materials or on the Smart Traveller App or Smart Traveller Website.

13.4 You acknowledge and agree that you have no ownership rights in Points, the Smart Traveller Programme Account and/or the data collected/generated therein (save for your personal data as defined by the applicable laws). You further acknowledge and agree that you have no third-party rights in any agreement made between our Partners and us.

13.5 The Parties and/or our Partners shall not be liable to you or your nominee for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the Smart Traveller Programme with respect to the provision or the refusal to provide any benefits and Points, and the use of redemption rewards, whether such loss, damage or expense is caused by negligence or otherwise, notwithstanding that we and/or our Partners may or may not have control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim.

13.6 We will endeavour to ensure the availability of goods and services provided by our Partners but will not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by our Partners to provide such goods and services. Every transaction with any Partner will be subject to the terms and conditions as such Partner may impose and we will not be liable for any loss arising therefrom.

13.7 You acknowledge and accept that, in the event that any or all Points recorded in your Account are lost due to any system, server or connection failure; error; omission; interruption; breach of security; computer virus; malicious code; or corruption, any of which is beyond The Parties’ reasonable control, are not retrievable and The Parties shall not be liable for any of such loss.

13.8 You acknowledge and accept that certain tax liabilities related to use of the Smart Traveller Programme may apply in certain jurisdictions and under no circumstances we shall not be responsible for such liabilities.

13.9 All terms expressed or implied by statute or otherwise on our part and/or the part of our Partners are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

13.10 You shall be responsible for remaining knowledgeable as to these Terms and Conditions. We shall attempt to advise you of various matters of interest through such means as may be appropriate, such as monthly statements, emails, newsletters and websites, but we shall have no liability for any failure to do so. We will not be responsible for lost correspondence or delayed mail or email. You shall be responsible for advising us of any change in your profile information, and we shall have no liability for misdirected emails or mails or any consequences thereof.

Governing Laws

14.1 These Terms and Conditions and the relationship between you and the Parties shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. By joining the Smart Traveller Programme, you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

14.2 If the English version of these Terms and Conditions does not conform to other language versions, the English version shall prevail. In case of dispute, we reserve the right of final decision on the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.


15.1 You may not sell, assign or transfer any Points, Smart Traveller Programme accounts, or any of your rights, privileges or obligations under these Terms and Conditions, whether by operation of the law or otherwise.

15.2 We may sell, transfer or assign the Smart Traveller Programme, these Terms and Conditions, and/or your Account in whole or in part, at any time, without notice to you. If we make such an assignment, the sole responsibility for the matters assigned, including any obligations to you, will lie with the party to whom we make the assignment, and we will be released from any responsibilities or obligations.

Dispute Resolution

16.1 Your concerns can be resolved by contacting the Customer Care Team via the Service Hotline.

16.2 In the event that customer service is unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, before beginning a lawsuit, you agree to send a written notice (“Claim Notice”) to each party against whom a claim is asserted, in order to provide an opportunity to resolve the claim informally or through negotiation, mediation and/or arbitration. The Claim Notice must describe the claim and state the specific relief demanded. Notice to you may be sent to your email or mailing address registered with us. Notice to us in relation to the Smart Traveller Programme must be sent in writing to “Chief Officer – Smart Traveller Programme, Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited, 8/F, Commercial Building, Airport Freight Forwarding Centre, 2 Chun Wan Road, Lantau, Hong Kong” and you are required to sign and include the full name, Membership ID Number, contact information in the Claim Notice served.

16.3 You may not sell, assign or transfer any claim.


17.1 Unless otherwise specified, you may contact us in writing attention to: "Chief Officer" – Smart Traveller Programme, Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited, 8/F, Commercial Building, Airport Freight Forwarding Centre, 2 Chun Wan Road, Lantau, Hong Kong.